Their are situations where damp and waterproofing solutions are required to protect a room which is situated below ground level, such as a basement or celler.
A more robust method of protection would be required, the solution for this would be a membrane system installed by AJ Robinsons skilled and experinced technicians.
Waterproofing Membranes
Protecting a basement or celler from damp is a tricky if not impossible task without the use of a waterproofing memebrane. Waterproofing memebranes have been specially designed and constructed to allow the damp protected walls to breath whilst keeping the damp and access water away from any new plaster or dry lined wall surface.
The membrane is construted from a sheet of Polyethylene with a series of studs pretruding out on one side. This has been designed to provide a continuous flow of air when the studded side is fixed flat to the damp wall. On the otherside of the membrane is a flat welded mesh which allows plaster and render to bond directly to its suface. This will provide smoothe yet dry and durable finish.